Fraud & Protection Tips:
- Be wary of any text messages or phone calls, which may reference account verification or password changes. Cavan Credit Union will NEVER contact a member by phone, text or email asking them to verify their account or to give them personal account details over the phone. If you are in doubt about a message or phone call in relation to your Cavan Credit Union account, please contact us directly and ask a member of staff.
Never respond to an email or text asking for financial, personal or security information.
- Your personal details are precious – always keep your PINs & passwords private. Keep your account and log in details safe and secure. NEVER share your log in credentials with anyone, regardless of who they may claim to be.
- Fraudsters can use Number Spoofing when they make contact by phone to make it look like they are calling from the phone number of a genuine organisation. They may then try to trick the person into divulging personal, financial or security information. Remember: Scams can take many formats.
- Cover your PIN every time you pay using your card & at the ATM.
- Unsecured public Wi-Fi networks are hotspots for fraudsters – use 4G when shopping or banking online.
- Fraudsters are very good at making e-mails look genuine and can set up elaborate and convincing dummy websites. NEVER click on links in messages. Always manually enter a web address into the address bar of your browser.
For more useful information on fraud awareness read our Fraud Brochure