Find out how to save with the Credit Union
Savings - Cavan Credit Union Ltd.

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A Credit Union is a Not-For-Profit financial co-operative owned by, and run for the benefit of, its members. Credit Unions offer members the chance to have control over their own finances by making their own savings work for them. Every credit union is owned by its members – the people who save with it and borrow from it.

Members savings are used to fund loans to other credit-worthy members in the credit union. So that way the money in the credit union always remains in the local community or ‘common bond’ that it serves.

Over 3.6 million people in Ireland are members of a credit union today. If you’re not a member already, why not think about joining today?

Easy Access to Your Money

Easy Access to your money once it is not used as security against a loan.

Protected Savings

Your savings are covered by the statutory deposit guarantee scheme (DGS). If insolvency should occur, your eligible deposits would be repaid up to €100,000.

Life Savings Insurance

Life savings insurance for eligible members (Terms & Conditions apply).

Start saving

Become a Member

If you would like to start saving with Cavan Credit Union you can register to Become a Member below. Existing members who are registered to CU Online can log in below.

Online Banking Log In Register

Please note: Cavan Credit Union currently has a savings cap of €50,000 for adult members and €10,000 for juvenile members (under 16). The maximum cash withdrawal per day is €2,000.

If you would like more information on saving with Cavan Credit Union please contact us today.

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